The story... Anita's one in the 70s, Anita smoked Camel standing up on her high heeled white leather clogs...


They found hundreds of her amazingly fancy clogs in the basement of an old clogs factory, brought them back to Stockholm and then, they could start a big adventure and write the sequel of Anita's story... It took place back in 2006! 2 years later, Swedish Hasbeens got the reward for the trendiest brand of the year in Stockholm. Since then, Swedish hasbeens is in each and every magazine's fashion columns. It turned out to be the Summer brand and they even designed models specifically for H&M (swedish collaboration...)


Now, when you say clogs, you necessarily think Swedish Hasbeens. Just add up the environmental friendly spirit and commitment of the company (choice of the leathers, traditional production plants...)  And then you'll understand why it makes totally sense to find the brand's models in so many stores in San Francisco! It simply matches local vibes and style! 



Swedish Hasbeens

Their website

You will find them...

Shoe Biz (check our useful addresses)

Eco Citizen Their website

Conifer Their website

Azalea (check our useful addresses)


Online... ASOS.


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